Learning Community Series

Strengthening Supports to Promote Positive Behaviors in Infant and Toddler Classrooms

Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees before each session.

Join Kathryn Bigelow and Alana Schnitz of Juniper Gardens Children's Project for this virtual learning community series grounded in PRISM (Pyramid Resources for Infant & Toddler Social Emotional Development Model).  When you register, you are signing up for four virtual 90-minute modules.  The modules are sequential, designed to help establish practices around prevention and relationship building, schedules and routines, before jumping in to challenging behavior.  When routines are in place, we prevent challenging behavior!

Please Note:  Registration for all four sessions ends October 15.  Registration is for the entire four-session Learning Community Series.  Please plan to attend all four sessions.  The sessions are sequential and your presence helps make this a learning community!

October 18, 2024 | 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM:  Session 1: Introduction & Social-Emotional Development

  • What is Social-Emotional Development
  • Caregiver's Role in Supporting Social-Emotional Development 
  • How Attachments and Relationships Build Over Time
  • Growing Relationships with Children and Families

November 15, 2024  |  3:15 PM - 4:45 PM:  Session 2: Responsive Routines, Schedules, Environments

  • Using Caregiving Routines to Support Social-Emotional Development
  • How Environments can Promote Social-Emotional Development

December 13, 2024  |  3:15 PM - 4:45 PM:  Session 3: Understanding Behavior

  • What is Behavior?
  • How Young Children's Behavior is Meaningful Communication
  • Gathering Information About Behavior
  • Responding to Behavior Using Strategies that Support Social-Emotional Development

January 10, 2025  |  3:15 PM - 4:45 PM:  Session 4: Challenging Behavior

  • What is Challenging Behavior?
  • Reasons for Challenging Behavior
  • Bias and Responses to Challenging Behavior


Kathryn Bigelow:  Dr. Bigelow is an Associate Research Professor at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project (JGCP) in the Life Span Institute, and Courtesy Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Behavioral Science at the University of Kansas. Dr. Bigelow received her Ph.D. in Developmental and Child Psychology (currently Applied Behavioral Science) at the University of Kansas, and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the JGCP. Her research focuses early childhood language and social-emotional development and the translation of evidence-based interventions for parents, care providers, home visitors, and early intervention providers within both center-based and home-based early childhood education programs. Her work also focuses on how technology can promote engagement and enhance the implementation of evidence-based intervention.

Alana Schnitz:  Dr. Schnitz is an assistant research professor at Juniper Gardens Children's Project. She completed her PhD. in Early Childhood Special Education from Vanderbilt University and was a Head Start Research Scholar for two years. Her dissertation evaluated the efficacy of the Positive Solutions for Families Intervention. Alana was formerly the research coordinator for the IES Goal 2 Teaching Pyramid Research Project. She also has participated in research around the Pyramid model, including coaching teachers to implement practices associated with the model. She has worked with Head Start teachers and families providing teacher and parent training, technical assistance to teachers, and providing behavioral support to families. Alana has 14 years of experience working with children who exhibit challenging behaviors as a coach; behavior specialist; and residential, family, and crisis counselor. She is also a Board Certified Behavior Analysts.


KHSA Member Programs

Please plan to attend all four sessions. The modules are sequential and your presence helps make this a learning community! The ticket price is for all four sessions.

Total: $0.00


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